Tricks to Check SEO Health of Your Website

Website Seo Health

Tricks to Check SEO Health of Your Website

Website SEO HealthSEO remain to be main role in knowledge discovery process relying in all the domains. The following section illustrates the points for the comprehensive check status of the SEO process within website. The health status of the website detects the exact reason in their inability of the website performance and to carry out the adaptive features hence it would pave the way to enhance the efficient SEO services.

Tricks to Check SEO Health

1. Structure of website-check

In Website SEO Health, the navigational-structure of the website may hold the traffic-flow. The navigational-structure if it is not relevant, would prone the customer to go the confused-state. Hence to prevent this scenario, an appropriate navigational-structure ought to be defined comprising of appropriate breadcrumbs upon each and every page to attain more readability and to ensure more clarity.

2. Ensure the loading time-period for the site

Every website-visitor does not prefer to wait for the process. This type of slower loading-sites would grasp less number of retention in customers. The webpage normally must not take not more than five-seconds for loading. In case , if the site loading takes more timing then the concern ought to be taken to look. Hence as the measure to overcome this, the broken-script architecture of the server and services involved in web-hosting has to be ensured to do the health-status.

3. The checkup status of Meta-Tags

In Website SEO Health, the great advantage of the site is the good meta-title and the relevant description of the site comprising of keywords. The description and the unique title ought to be checked as well. The short characteristic of the website neglected the duplication.

4. Good-quality checkup without the presence of errors

The content of the website have to prevent the site errors. The customer of one website also do not prefer the content with grammatical-errors. The content of the website also to be ensured that the content is with fresh ideas. Since the users go for the new fresh content relying the refreshing mood every time while they visit the website.

5. Alt-Tags checkup status

The Image-alt Tags is very beneficial since they appear in the places allocated for the image. This check also happen the time where the loading process of images fails at the time. This would turn the good ranking of images in the process of SEO which automatically yields the traffic flow of the website.

6. W3C-Validation check-up status

In Website SEO Health, the website ought to be checked for the document validation of the mark-ups such as XHTML, SMIL, HTML etc.,

7. Proper-canonicalization status check up

The phenomenon of canonicalization must be avoided. This problem of canonicalization is happened if the session-information appends to the session of URL or the generation is carried out dynamically. The utilization of .ht access-file, aids to prevent the problem of canonicalization in URL-section.

8. Redirects-status check

It creates the bad impression if the page prompts out the error in loading process as soon as the visitor lands out in our website. Hence to overcome this situation, redirection of the error pages is built for the suspended pages and the modified pages.

9. H-Tags check status

In Website SEO Health, the small errors in the tags-placement turns out to vague and would bring out higher ranking costs. Hence the H3-Tag placing in front to H2-Tag or the placement of H# tags in the similar pages ought to be avoided. The gradual listing must be focused on than listing out in numbered formatted list.

10. Indexed-Pages checkup status

The count of the indexed-pages is checked in the tools of google web-master. In the same way, the site also should be checked i.e., the operator of the site. There is no problem if the matches of the factors is obtained. If there exists the difference the directives of the robots ought to be check. The duplication of the indexed-pages count and the URL operator is ensured for sorting out the difference. It has been detected the Google-bots have involved in the crawling process of the website. Hence it is necessary to understand and to ensure if the pages of the website is being indexed or not. There are number of routes to accomplish this task. There is a possibility to look out each and every page in the website and to sort out the status of each and every page of the website through stepping back to the console report of Google-search console

11 URL-Check-status

For the proper structure of URL, the URL ought to be user friendly ones, and it comprises of letters and the absence of strings.

12. Broken-links checkup status

The tool has to be designed constantly to check the status of the broken links. Once the tool is detected, changes can be made according to the requirement.

13. Total-links check status

To ensure that the website consists of more than hundred links present in one web-page. If the count of the links exceeds more than hundred then the remaining links will be taken as spam links for irrelevant promotion.

14. Properly Designed site-map check up

The well-defined checkup of the site-map contribute to the SEO-health status this defined site-map aids in the better user navigation and the page details can be defined well through the .XML version.

15. .Txt file check status

In website SEO health, The status check of the robots.txt file had to be ensured. Blocking of any Search engine has to be avoided from the process of indexing the own website.

16. Keywords check status

The presence of longer-phrase would create a good ranking in google. The keywords when inputted in longer ones can have higher impact on google rating.

17. Site crawlability check status

In website SEO health, the file is considered as the foremost call indulged in software of web crawling. The robot file figures out the parts of the website which is to be or do not be crawled. This robot file is available to available in the public domain and to be added once the file is affixed to the root domain.The robots text file also can be edited and also made evaluation in the console of google-search engine.

18. 404-Error Page checkup status

The error page when prompted while in loading process ought to be redirected to the other significant pages. The error pages denotes the 404-Http error-page.

19. External links status check

The periodical check of the websites external links ought to be checked. The external links when it seems to be of the lower quality, then the links can be removed immediately. The external links is also checked to ensure the alive status or the link if had be hacked somewhere. This would pave the way for the SEO-ranking and good health status of the website.


In website SEO health, the above procedure can be performed at a regular interval of time. In fact, this maintenance of the above components led to the efficient Health of SEO-status of the website. This would promote would promote to the progress of the enterprise or the website. These prioritized initiatives can be employed pre-hosting of the website or in the progress of the website hosting, to bring out the optimized SEO-health within the network than the other competitors.

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