Naturals – Social Media Casestudy

“70% Increase Brand Awareness With Facebook Campaign”

Social Media Promotion Services

About the Client

Naturals Salon & Spa is a beauty solution as well as a complete treatment solution for skin and hair. The client had absolutely less social media presence. They want to increase their social media presence and brand awareness.

The Challenge

Naturals have planned to increase their global presence with a high search engine ranking position and local listing. But their website suffers from less search engine rankings and also non-responsive code. Our digital marketing experts faced the challenge of optimizing the website for all the devices and in increasing their local ranking. For this reason, they have approached us with the main goal of increasing the number of user engagements, Facebook fan page likes. Their primary focus was on enhancing brand recognition.
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Our Strategy

When Naturals Salon & Spa joining hands-on with SEObusiness Company, first we analyze and optimize their entire page.

Our main goal is to provide brand awareness to Naturals Salon & Spa through social media. To create brand awareness and engage more audience, we generated regular dynamic posts via Facebook and Instagram.

Especially, they wanted to reach the target audience and bring to their attention. More comments, likes, and shares on Facebook than ever before increased engagement with an interested community.

Overall, we enrich their brand recognition and also engagement via Facebook and Instagram Marketing.



Facebook Marketing Strategy Formulation

To determine a better day to post

Integrate social media sharing

Engage with the Facebook community

Engage with other Facebook pages

Post concept-based image on Facebook

Social Media Promotion Company

Our Facebook Presentation

We did offer stunning bridal makeup through social media for attracting women. This concept really helps to enhanced sales.

We did offer-based post and share through Facebook and Instagram. This concept really helps to increased sales.

Here we promote trendy hair color posts. It really impresses the young generation. This concept helps to increased sales.

Facebook Page Optimization

Social media presence is one of the essential sectors of digital marketing. At the same time, Facebook is the first platform for considering a planning strategy. We, the best social media marketing company, we can ensure their page is well-optimized and also content to be visible on Facebook.

We choose the correct Facebook page title

Customized our client page URL that is matched with a page title

Make sure the profile includes a cover image, bio, info are complete and also it consists of up-to-date information

Optimized keywords in business page

We added a NAP in page

Facebook Page Optimization
Instagram Promotions Service

Instagram Marketing Strategy Formulation

Our strategy included a breakdown of various tactics. Some of those tactics included such as

Searching out and sharing user-generated content

Adding a unique hashtag for every post

Post content on a regular basis

Engaging and Commenting with people who utilize our hashtags

Responding and Monitoring to comments and direct messages

Our Instagram Presentation

Instagram Marketing Services
FB Optimization
Social Media Services

Increased Page Likes and Followers

Being the best facebook marketing services, our experts can check out the attention-getting the ideas for Instagram captions, profiles hashtags and many more. In order to see what to post on Insta to getting more followers and way huge engagement and visibility too.

To follow someone's page first

Invite people to like your page

Post a valuable content

Re-sharing the popular content

Keep Engage with your community


After implementing these above SEO strategy, we have seen a positive trend in terms of their organic traffic, website visibility, and top-priority keywords ranking in Google’s first page.

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Our digital marketing experts increase the Naturals Salon & Spa fan page. In fact, our successive social media strategy with excellent planning helped to achieve this success. At the same time, we showed our potential strategy and increase brand awareness.

After the successful execution of our powerful tactics, there was an increase in the number of visitors per day, increased brand awareness and upgraded their website position. Specifically, we focused on what users wanted and provided them with valuable content. Clearly, this case study shows several significant improvements in the various sectors in the business market.

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